Bitter kola for sale

Bitter kola for sale

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Discover ! How Bitter kola Export Business Can Make You Stand Out And Super Boost Your Income By 110%, In Less Than a Week

                                             USES OF GARCINIA COLA

GARCINIA KOLA is one of the varieties of kola that can be found in  Nigeria. Garcinia popularly known as Bitter kola is a seed with great medicinal and food value, which is widely used as raw material for the production of pharmaceutical drugs and for food processing

Bitter kola is very popular and common in our local market; they could be fresh or dried. Both types, as very knowledgeable experts says, possess healing power for various sicknesses such as cough. At the international level bitter kola is used for brewery purposes and that has been the reason why bitter kola is demanded in small and in large quantities by the international market.

Bitter kola, as mentioned earlier, can be found easily in our local market, hence sourcing it will never be a problem and it is relatively cheap.
The bitter kola seed can be found in abundant in many villages across the length and breadth of Nigeria. 
In resent times the demand for bitter kola in the international market has greatly increased, this is because it’s a raw material been used by most pharmaceutical and food processing companies in countries like the USA, Britain, Germany, France, Japan, India and some other countries in Asia. 
The international market value for 1kg of Bitter kola is around 17Dollars.
But it will surprise you to know that only very few people in Nigeria know about the real value of bitter kola in the international market. And this few people that know the worth of bitter kola in the international market have become secret millionaires exporting the commodity. 
So, you too can join this few Nigerians to make over 100percent profits when you export Bitter kola from Nigeria to buyers in Europe, America, Japan and Asia. 
Bitter kola for export doesn’t require any machine processing because you can export it raw but with proper packaging for shipping. 
How to start Bitter kola export business. 
Bitter kola can be found in abundance in many villages of Nigeria and it’s also very cheap. So you can start bitter kola export business on a small scale with at least N70, 000 and above. 

 For bitter kola to meet export standard, it may require some processing which can be achieved without the use if any machinery or equipment as this can be done in a natural way. Prospective exporters can enter the business either in a small or big way. It depends absolutely on the cash at hand and requirement of the buyers. Small scale exporters can start the business right from their bedroom with just a functional e-mail address. This is the best and easiest export business so far, for the reason that is neither a perishable good nor is it fragile. Exporters are rest assured that the products will get to the buyer safely. But there is the need for an efficient method of quality control in order to keep it fresh and healthy looking.

As part of our objective to promote export business in Nigeria, Akebtech Enterprises has taken time to detail simple information on how to make constant income from MINI and LARGE scale export business.

This will consequently reduce the unemployment rate in the country and help create young, skillful, vibrant and well-equipped export trade entrepreneurs. This initiative is aimed at creating more Jobs (by a self-employed young graduate in export business), thus reducing poverty and consequently improving our economy via the growth of GDP that would result from massive exportation. 

Dear Future Exporter,

Don`t let anyone deceive you that you can make unlimited cash online or offline without doing little work or sometimes invest in little capital. If that is what you been told, well you are on your own!

But right here, I am going to expose to you the secrets and legitimate way to make money by exporting bitter kola in small scale.

If You Can Negotiate well, This Business Is For You!

What I meant by Negotiation are the those vital the like of:
 Types of product,
 Term to delivery,
 Ability to supply constantly,
 payment term and types,
And many more you will get from my premium starter kits.

Garcinia Kola Fact

Making real money in export is undoubtedly a fact. You see my friend... Many people want to become exporter but the truth, is they do not know how to go about it successfully.

 There is Continous demand for bitter kola (Garcinia Kola) in countries like;

tick USA,
tick China,
tick Canada and some part of Europe.
Here in Nigeria, most of us are yet to know that Bitter kola is one of the agricultural product one can export and make well over 100% in profit.
  You heard me right ...?    101% in profit or more, Now that naira is competing for the rate of the dollar, that means more money... Guess $1  is now #390 at the local banks and the black market is N405 and above.

You can get bitter kola one at the rate of #20 with ease, anywhere you go in this country ( Nigeria ).

In some village, you get it for free while in some Areas you can get 2 or 3 for # 20


  • Do you know that the International price for Bitter kola nut is $22 per kg in Europe as at Feb 2020?
  • Do You Know The Raise In Dollar or fx As Made The Profit Skyrock Fast?
  • Do you know that exporting Bitter Kola does not require any Machine for processing as it can also be exported raw?
  • Imagine you buy the product here in Nigeria for less then N700 naira per kg and sale for $22 per kg, that means you will be making more than you ever think.



Some people said the most difficult aspect in export business is sourcing buyers Abroad.  I would have agree to such comment 10/yrs ago. But, today it is a different case.Myself and my subscribers can attires to this. It's the simplest thing I have ever done to make income. it's simple to the core that even my little Cousin, Adivwa age 25, did it a few days ago.

 My advice goes through the whole  information inside the paid starter kits... you will be amazed how simple it is to source real buyers of bitter kola.



Now relating to how you can start with two basket which is about 70-74 kg from Local markets in Ondo, Osun or the Northern part of the country (Nigeria)... It wont cost more than #25,000 but if you go to markets where your base is, you should get the size for low and precisely that price stated above. When i was still in Lagos I use to go to mile 12 at Lagos. You may get it for #25,000 in some places. 


Now that the excnhage rate (dollar) as gone a wire... You are sure of  a lot of profit. $1 is now #390 and above as at May 17`2020.


After buying it from the market the next thing is the packaging.
  • Packing is simply
  • You package it for distribution.
  • Or Most time The Buyers Specify How The Packaging Should Be Done.  You need not worry About This Part
Now let me explain how I package mine to be ready for distribution. You will get paper wrappers that you will wrap them in 1kg per wrapper. After that, you will get a small carton or big envelope where you will put 7wraps that is 7kg in each carton or envelope. Don't let its packaging exceed 7kg to avoid questions at the couriercompany or office 

Now per carton or envelope should not be more than #17,500  

 It is just the last thing you will do since you have finished the packaging...  ) it will not cost you much in NIPO. They charge 1kg from #1000, and above if you are sending 50 kg you multiple that, (the more the kg the lesser the amount) I guess it amounts like #50,000.


NOTE: The country you will be sending to will determine the amount the agency will charge you.


When you get to that level always revert back to me.

NOTE : Transportation is an issue on it own. But its advisable that the buyer should handle transportation!  Yes, 75% will always assist in handling transportation if both parties agree.


They pay for transportation the reason most of the buyers have an account with DHL in their Countries. So, Its easy for buyers with an account in another country to connect DHL in your country (Nigeria) I always prefer this method because I save more money using this.


Let's Continue...


While the wrappers won't cost you not more than #2,000.


Again,  let me recap...

tick Products ( Bitter kola ) 70-72/kg  goes for-  N25,000
tick wrapper- N2,000
tick Cartons - N5,000
tick Transportation both local and intl for 50/kg as example - N60,000


The calculation above is for 50/kg .... #60,000 can cover sending of 50kg. Mind you, most of your customers are going to be the 20kgs, 30kg, 40kg to 50kgs Clients.


So, you can start with less than N70k max and if you bargain well you can lure your buyers to handle transportation fee or even take it as far as asking buyers to pay advance payment!!!  With that, you can use their fund to process the goods.


Again, Most Time the clients pay for transportation. 


Have that in mind...

After sales though depending on your negotiation with the buyer you are sure of making at least 101% profit or more.


Like I wrote above you don`t need to bother yourself about transportation your customers covers all that. It's in two ways they either give you their courier account or they add transportation cost to your bill. So you don`t need to worry about transportation through courier firm that will handle the sending of the products. I also, illustrate this in my paid material. 

Get your copy while it is still very hot ...

Another Profitable product you can also learn fast and start making cool cash




Ginger is sold around in large quantities all over our Nation,( Nigeria ) either dried or fresh are been loaded away with trailers to various markets.

This agricultural raw material has found its way to the international market and vast use in Abroad.

This raw material is highly medicinal and is now exposed to developed countries. The ginger when processed is used for items and drugs.

Because of this versitility some small industries have sprung up in places like Kachia and Kafanchan close to Kubacha and are being processed there into ginger oil, for export in making things like ginger sweet, ginger biscuits, ginger juice, and others confectioneries and drinks.




Raw Ginger is currently sold between #21,000 to #28,000 per 74kg bag in major markets within Lagos. It is cheaper when buying from the village market, in some state outside Lagos and Ibadan. The Northern part.


The price for processed ginger varies as it depends on point of purchase and process. It goes for about #170,000 to #200,000, per metric tonne.

So whichever, the source you deem fit to get your ginger either raw or processed ginger, you are sure of getting over 80% profit because ginger sells for at least $ 1, 550 per metric tonne (processed one), In the international markets.

Ginger is majorly imported to countries in Europe, America, Canada, Germany, France, and Some Africa countries like Morroco ... etc.

Major Countries that exports these products are Brazil, India, China, Jamaica, Australia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leon

  • To be frank with you, all you need are all gathered there…The market is already there. Just get smart and make use of it.


Anyone including; workers, students, lecturers, bankers, housewives, corpers, teachers, civil servants, illiterates and so on can do it. It doesn’t matter whether you are employed or unemployed. What you have here is an opportunity to make use of change


To us here there is no difficulty in getting foreign Investor/buyers. We will show you how to fish these hungry buyers in an easy way, Guarantee.

In factyou will bite your tongue and say, how come I did not know about this all this while.

That means you rest assured of prospect, clients or investors whatever you may want to call them after that you can convert them to a buyer through my secrets. You get all that from my material.



The market is in two forms:
tick Local &
tick  International
It is your choice to chose which you want to base on ...
But if you ask me there`s no two ways about it, the foreign market is extremely lucrative than the local market.

We are ready to show you market for bitter kola and already made buyers you can start your negotiation with, from the moment you decides to start this business.


By the time I show you the secret you will be amaze, how easy the market place is and you can begin using this platform to lunch other product you have around.


If you want to be like me .... With over 6 products in my closet,  i market my six product with this same method, you should consider this.


Now, I get people asking me why do I decided to expose this goldmine?  They said why not hide the secrets or keep it to myself.    Lol !


Aside, of been an unselfish person...


First, I have over 6 other businesses that fetch me daily income.


Secondly, I teach you the secrets and at the-same time make money from my efforts on you. That way you are happy and am happy. That makes a win to win situation. The truth is I can not do all at same time and my people out there need an opportunity like this to survive.

NOTE : Now, you can tell your prospect or buyer to make part payment of the deal first, while you use it to process the product and payment of logistic.

It is allow in export business, infact, I do it almost all the time, and it works. The very first time I tried this, it was like a big magic. Believe me, the fund was transferred into my domi account. And I had enough to process all.


So It Work !

If you don`t believe buyers will not accept part payment, well you must be wrong, because those guys are the white investor and their mindset are far more differ to we the blacks in this part of the world.


Note : It Only works for TRAIL ORDERS.


Mind you the part payment they will be releasing into you account seen very little and they may want to try your sincerity, indirectly or directly if you are real or not. If you mess it all up at that stage, well... You are on your own!  So take good care of this part (trust is the right word).


So, you see some times you don`t need to invest any cash to start but, if you feel you want to spend your cash to process the deal, well so be.


Note: The customers/buyers pays for the transportation (courier that handle delivery) to their destination. Since some of them have a courier account.

That means you will not pay a dim to send the product! 



To receive your money, it simple if you have a domiciliary account with any of the banks within the country, or tell the Customer to send via WESTERN UNION ...


I wrote more on this in the past Ebook. I strongly advise you lay your hand on the secrets.  

Go get your copy fast ...



It is simple…

Get the full package by placing your order now! Just for a small token.

See price below, you will get the full package delivered into your best email address within 20/mins after placing your order

If you order Now you get the E-book + 2 buyer as the bonus.




Only N5000 for the Material 


  E-book and 2 buyers  =N5,000,


N5,000WARNING This offer is time-sensitive..after this Month the offer will end automatically


  • With this e-book in your hand, Bitter Kola and ginger export business will give you an opportunity to start your own job and be your own boss in case you were looking for a lucrative job to do before now. It gives you the opportunity to work from home or office, either as a housewife, son or daughter anywhere.
  • Bitter Kola export business is a business you can do like a pleasant business or retirement business, simply follow the process in the material. Whichever way you want it, by grabbing this loaded tool that teaches you everything you need to know to start and succeed in bitter kola export business, you are putting your steps in the path of riches for life!

  • To enable Nigerians to live their God-ordained lives.

  • To reduce the rate of poverty in society.

  • To show the hidden goldmine in bitter kola business.

  • To create lasting wealth for the people.

  • To reduce crime in society.


  • It is highly lucrative.
  • There is no payment of Tax or any levy on your business
  • Physical office is not required; it can be done from home.
  • The demand exceeds the supply in the international market.
  • Prompt payment and collection of money/cash.
  • It can be combined with other businesses.
  • Low start-up business capital.
  • It is an all-round-the-year business.
  • Bitter Kola/ ginger can be exported many times within a month.
  • It does not require an export license like other export biz.
  • The E-book covers
 read the e-book on your screen or print it out as hardcopy and start trading in two days 

1.  Introduction
2.  Bitter kola local sources in Nigeria
3.  Uses of bitter kola
4.  Bitter kola processing to International standard
5.  The packaging of bitter kola to international standard
6.  Pricing
7.  Quality control
8.  Contact Addresses of possible buyers
9.  Commonly used Couriers companies & payment term
10. Mode Of Payment By The Overseas Buyers
11.  Bitter kola Specifications
12.  How To Raise Capital For Export Of Bitter Kola
13   Places To Source Real Buyers And Contact details of Local And International Investors/Buyers And

Many More...




  • Our material have been noted as one of the best in Nigeria.
  • You will receive our full attention and receive support and assistance even after you grab the material.
  • You will get hands-on experience exporter.
  • We will guide you in the right direction so you get the most out of export business.
  • You have the option to call from 9am-5pm for assistance.

Whatever your reason for wanting to learn an export business, you can rest assured you are in good hands.


MentorShip Is key... And I will Give 100% On Going Mentorship After Purchasing Our Starter kits.




  • Individuals wanting to learn Export Business.
  • Individual seeking financial freedom.
  • Individual looking to expands His/Her financial coast or add to their income.
Individual considering quitting His/Her present job.
  • individual looking to save time by learning from Bitter kola Export Experts.
  • Individual looking to build advanced powerful Exporting links with Foreign Buyers.



 Bitter Kola export business is a business you can do like a pleasant business or retirement business, simply follow the process in the material. Whichever way you want it, by grabbing this loaded tool that teaches you everything you need to know to start and succeed in bitter kola export business, you are putting your steps in the path of riches for life!


E-book =N5000

or The Starter Kit You Can Make Payment To The Bank Stated Below.





To get your own copy of the E-BOOK takes the following step :

1) Visit any branch of Access/diamond Bank and order for the E-book with the listed

ACCT Name : Akebtech Enterprises 
ACCT Number : 0071831258

 The guide will be sent to your email.


Send Notification via e-mail Or text message .
 or message



2). Send us an e-mail titled “EXPORT B“, to the above numbers ”

Note: Add the following please :

(i) The Bank you paid into
(ii) The name you used in paying
(iii) Bank teller number
and the amount.



Gption 2-

You can do a transfer directly from your phone, online or ATM transfer. After that send your name and your email to. 07069671796
Within 30mins you get everything.


The e-book with other bonuses will be dispatched to your Inbox immediately your payment is received.
Remember: All the material is in digital form and you can get it in a matter of mins. I advise after purchasing, you copy it into your flash drive or print out as hardcopy

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